Saturday, September 11, 2010

2010 EHS Homecoming Game - how things have changed

The following EHS Plainsmen from 1954 were honored at halftime: The players to be honored for EHS were: John Pellow, Donnie Weldon, Billy Francis, Neal Hoffman, John Marlar, Bruce Torbett, Mark Ritchie, Ray Downs, Bill Athey, Steve McKeever, Harold Daugherty, Brian Hinson, Allen Parker and Raymond Hendrie.

Don't know what happened to the good old Blue uniforms of our day...

This is what happened when there was a touchdown.

Don't think we had any of these when we were in school.....

EHS Cheerleaders. The pretty girl on the left is my granddaughter, the only senior on the cheerleading squad.

No more Bravettes..they have POM girls who dance to music and wear skimpy outfits.

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