Friday, June 18, 2010

Cruisin today

From the look at the traffic on VanBuren I'd say the Cruise was a complete success. I have never seen so many old cars in one place as this evening. Not only were people driving up and down but people were finding a place to set up their chairs along the street and they were taking pictures, just watching, or showing off their car. I chased Steve Thurman all over trying to catch him in his white chevy but never could get in line where I could snap a picture. The traffic was too much. Here are a few pictures to give you an idea. Click to enlarge. Under the big tree is the sign in behind Mickey D's and the people under the awning of Moto Foto are setting up to watch and show off their cars. The others are just catching some old cars.

Oh, there he is, someone else found him:


  1. Would you mind posting some of your pics from the cruise on the VanBuren Cruisers of Enid group page? Thanks Darla

  2. Hey Darla, I added my 6 best on the group site.
    You pulled off a good evening.
