Friday, April 2, 2010

H T Awaiting Lung Transplant

April 1, 2010

Awaiting donor: Renowned artist H. Holden on lung transplant list

ENID — “Our only hope is someone else’s tragedy.”

Edna Mae Holden made that comment about her husband Harold Holden, a renowned artist and sculptor who has pulmonary fibrosis and is on the lung transplant list. Holden has been on the transplant list for a month and is high up, based on his condition.

“It’s called idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, which means unknown origin,” Edna Mae said.

The same disease afflicted former Enid Mayor Irv Honigsberg. There are transplant centers across the United States, but the average wait for the Oklahoma City center is three to eight months, she said. Medical services wait for a donor with similar body size and the same blood type. Holden has undergone numerous tests during the past year to make sure he is healthy enough for a transplant.

NBC Oklahoma has established a medical account for the benefit of Holden for medical expenses.

“H. Holden has created important public works of art throughout Oklahoma and the nation that reflect the heritage and spirit of the West. One example of his creations is the famous statue of Boomer, commissioned in 1987 and dedicated to the city of Enid in commemoration of Enid’s Centennial celebration, which is prominently displayed on the grounds of the Cherokee Strip Conference Center,” said a prepared release from NBC.

Contributions may be delivered to the bank at 3202 W. Garriott, or mailed to the attention of Brooke Potter, NBC Oklahoma, PO Box 10249, Enid, OK 73703. Checks should be payable to H. Holden Medical Account.

“He is in great shape except for the lung. They give a lung allocation score and that’s how they are listed in the national list,” Edna Mae said.

She said her husband does not feel well, but is continuing to work. Pulmonary fibrosis is the type of disease that creates plateaus of health that continue on a downward spiral, she said. The Holdens were on their way to Norman Thurs-day to deliver a piece for the Prix de West show.

“He doesn’t work as many hours and it takes longer to do,” she said.

Holden took oxygen part time about two months ago, but now is on it full time. She said he does not complain, but a prognosis of three years with the disease is considered miraculous.

“The life span is really short, and a lung transplant is the only effective treatment and it’s a horrific thing,” she said.

Holden has been on the list for about five weeks. The transplant is expensive and they must be ready to go anytime and be able to arrive at the hospital within two hours.

“Our only hope will be someone elses tragedy. You can’t reconcile that, it’s just the way it is,” she said.

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