Monday, May 21, 2018

A little bit to tease you

OK grads....Your Reservation Form will be in the mail real soon.  Here is a tentative agenda. 

Friday, Aug 24th, 6-10 pm CNB Center (the renovated Convention will be amazed!)  Southside of Square, Casual dress, hors d'oeuvre, cash bar. 

Saturday, Aug 25th (Daytime event times yet to be set)  Trolley bus tour of Enid with commentary, H. T. Holden Gallery open house with coffee and cookies, Regional Heritage Museum tour, renovated EHS tour (new bldg and performance center under construction)

Saturday Evening
Cocktails and banquet dinner at the CNB Center, Benson Ballroom, (cash bar), then a brief program and lots of time to visit with your class mates!

Cost (remember to enclose your check) but wait till you receive your Reservation form to send in your check because there is more to fill out.
Both evening events: $90 single, $180 couple
Friday nite only  $50 single, $100 couple
Saturday nite only, $55 single, $110 couple

Motel arrangements listed on Reservation form

(We promise no loud music!)

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Back in Time, 58 May Fete

For more memories, and what it looks like today, 1 May 2018.